Monday, December 17, 2012

Stay Positive

First thing, take a breath and relax. Do not approach financial distress from a position of worry. Remember that your are smart, unique, and capable of anything. Think about what you want and decide on a game plan. Write down everything that you want and the things you would like to accomplish.

 Next imagine how it would feel to actually have those things now at this very moment. This is important because it will make you to feel and think positive. Allowing yourself to have those feelings is the best way to let the universe know that you are ready to get everything that your heart desires.

Decide on what you love to do and could imagine doing for the rest of your life. Doing what you love will always bring you abundance. If you feel like your lost on ideas go to a quite place. An area that is that is free from distractions and that allows you to be alone with your thoughts. Clear your mind and focus on your breath. I guarantee if you do this long enough and take it serious your questions will be answered. Whatever comes to your mind no matter how hard you think it may be, believe it is possible. Remember that you are a creator and you control what happens to your life. Now take ACTION.....

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